Jinan: New Smart Industry Academy in Eastern China

Jinan: New Smart Industry Academy in Eastern China

New location in one of China’s most important industrial regions: Already in the first days of the new year, Deutsche Messe Technology Academy GmbH sealed a new partnership in the People’s Republic. The new Smart Industry Academy is located in Jinan, the...

Location Hanover

Hanover location: Innovative production technology - experience it live Our technology partners are present with selected exhibits at our location on the exhibition grounds in Hanover. They enable participants in conferences and seminars to experience innovative...

About the Smart Industry Institute Chattanooga (Tennessee/USA)

Globaler WissenstransferDeutsche Messe Technology Academy: Präsenz in wichtigen  Industriezentren weltweit   Wissenstransfer auf Top-Niveau Robotation Academy Foshan: Modellfabrik für die Region Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen Weltweite Partnerschaften für den Dialog...

About Smart Industry Academy Ningbo

Ningbo is a coastal city in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejang, one of 15 sub-provincial cities and -after Hangzhou – the second most important city in this province. It is the economic center of the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta and a...